Friday, October 13, 2017

October: Let's Be Heroes!

Grades: 3rd and 4th grades

SONG: Everyday Hero

Rachel and the Three Schoolers.
Everyday Hero

You don’t need a cape 
You don’t need to run

 super fast
You don’t need to fly and touch the sky
To be a hero

The only power that you need
 Is inside every human being
 If we let our power shine
We can change the world

One smile 

at a time
 We’ll be everyday heroes
Say something kind

 each day

Everyday heroes
Share your things when you play
Everyday heroes
The little things we do each day
Everyday heroes
Can make the world a better place

You don’t need a cape and mask
You don’t need to run super fast
You don’t need to fly and touch the sky
To be a hero

The only power that you need
 Is inside every human being
If we let our power shine
We can change the world
One smile at a time
We’ll be everyday heroes
Say something kind each day
Everyday heroes
Share your things when you play
Everyday heroes
The little things we do each day
Everyday heroes
Can make the world a better place
We’ll be everyday heroes
Say something kind each day
Everyday heroes
Share your things when you play
Everyday heroes
The little things we do each day
Everyday heroes
Can make the world a better place
 Say something kind each day
Share your things when you play
The little things we do each day
Can make the world a better place
Everyday heroes




A Piece of Cake



Snake in the grass

Ants on my arm:

When I watch the tennis game


(Utiliza la barra espaciadora y las flechas)

#I♥Poetry Festival

Welcome to ENGLISH ROCKS. This time we will be celebrating the #I♥Poetry Festival  with  Dr. Seuss: ♥   ♥   ♥   ♥    ♥   ♥   ♥   ♥    ♥   ...